Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Venture

Well, I can't let my husband be the only entrepreneur in the family, now can I?

I love to knit. I learned eight years ago in 2000 through a series of classes at a local technical college. Throughout the ensuing years, I've had two children and have knit various things for them and other family members, but always have a special place in my heart for baby and kid knits. I think in this day of mass merchandising, it's very refreshing to see handknits on babies and children. The warmth of the handknit is pervasive--it gives the child a special item made just for them like none other in the universe--and it literally warms the giver's soul, too.

This is why, when approached by a good friend to join a HyenaCart congo, I decided to start making baby and kid knits to sell.

I hope you enjoy the things I make. Believe me that a lot of love goes into these little handknits, and a lot of thought, too. I only use natural fibers for their beauty, quality and ease of care. I like cotton for baby knits other than soakers--it's so soft and machine-washable. The wool I use for soakers is the highest quality. I'm all about innovation and 'building a better mousetrap', as it were, so look for my new soaker coming has a great, new twist that I think you'll like.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at what I'm selling so far:

Baby Ruffle Hat & Bootie set

Denim hat/booties

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